Singing Guide: Birds of Tokyo

Singing Guide: Birds of Tokyo

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you’re looking to learn how to sing like the Birds of Tokyo, there are a few tips to keep in mind. This Australian alternative rock band is known for its unique blend of vocal styles, ranging from powerful, soaring melodies to more nuanced, emotive performances. One of the key elements of their sound is a sense of theatricality and drama, which can be enhanced by bringing a similar level of intensity and emotion to your own singing. Here are some tips for getting started:

  1. Focus on breath support: One of the most important aspects of singing is having good breath support. This means breathing deeply from your diaphragm and using the power of your lungs to sustain notes and phrases. To practice this, try doing some breathing exercises like the Farinelli Breathing exercise, which you can find in the Skill-related Videos section.
  2. Work on your vocal range: The Birds of Tokyo frequently use high, soaring vocals to create a sense of drama and urgency in their music. To achieve a similar impact, you’ll need to work on expanding your vocal range and hitting higher notes. Start by taking the Vocal Range Test to determine your current range, and then practice warm-ups and exercises that focus on expanding that range, like those in Pitch Training.
  3. Find your own style: While it can be helpful to draw inspiration from a particular artist or sound, it’s also important to find your own unique voice. Experiment with different vocal techniques and styles to discover what works best for you, and try to incorporate elements of your own individuality and personality into your singing.
  4. Practice regularly: Like any skill, singing takes practice to master. Make time to practice regularly, and try to incorporate both warm-ups and full songs into your routine. Use the resources available in Singing Carrots like the Song search and Song-book tools to find songs that match your vocal range and style.
  5. Pay attention to performance: The Birds of Tokyo are known for their energetic, passionate live performances. To capture some of that same energy, work on your stage presence and performance skills. Tips and exercises can be found in the Skills-related Videos section.

If you want to learn more about specific vocal techniques or aspects of singing, Singing Carrots offers a wide range of articles and videos tailored to singers of all levels. Here are just a few that might be useful for learning to sing like the Birds of Tokyo:

Use these resources to learn more about different aspects of singing and hone your skills like the Birds of Tokyo.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.